Basic information

Alternative taxonomic names used in documents about this translocated population

If not known precisely, give lower and upper limits.

Information for data management by administrators

Organisations and programmes
Direct drivers Scale

Underlying factors Scale

Justifications Main justification

Imprecise location, Locality

Main locality (imprecise location) of the center of the population

Other localities over which the population extends

Remarks on population location

Precise Location

Site research and choice criteria
Site protection
Site research and choice criteria Main criteria

Habitat type of the hosting site of the translocated population
Habitat list
Choice criteria for biological material

List of natural populations from which the translocated biological material originated (natural origins)

Imprecise locations, localities

Precise locations

Post RST interventions

RST table (release, sowing, transplantation numbers)

Stage Age/Stage precision Sex Occurrence Number Interval

Table of population dynamics

Stage Age/Stage precision Sex Occurrence Number Interval Include RST of that year Absolute/Relative Counted/Estimated Area of occupancy (all stages) Area of occurence (all stages)
Reference DOI