Precisions about which translocated populations can be included in the database and which populations cannot, according to translocation type
We include in the database populations that have been reinforced with individuals from abroad (reinforcement) or created in a site where the species had gone extinct before (reintroduction) or in a site where it has never occurred to our knowledge (introduction), with the objective of improving the viability (see Box) of the reinforced population or resulting in the viability of the created population. The necessary objective of viability can be one objective among others. For example, we include in the database populations that have been translocated with the double objective of obtaining both a viable population and data to improve further translocations (e.g. Colas et al. 2008, Noël et al. 2011), or with the double objective of obtaining a viable population as well as a so-called ecosystem service (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). We also include in the database translocated populations which viability is a particular goal included in a broader objective of, e.g., restoring a given community (e.g. Donath et al. 2007). On the contrary, we do not include populations that were translocated for experimental purpose only, such as reciprocal transplant experiments to test for local adaptation with no aim of improving population viability (e.g., Raabová et al. 2007), or survival experiments in artificial ecosystems like aquaculture tanks (e.g. Balestri et al. 2011). We neither include in the database translocation cases where individuals were just displaced from their original site to close vicinity, allowing these individuals to be saved from, e.g., civil engineering, but where no reinforcement and no new population could be considered (e.g. Bruelheide and Flintrop 2000).Precisions about geographical limits
We consider translocations in the occidental Palearctic, i.e., in European territories up to Ural and Caucasus, and countries bordering the Mediterranean.Precisions about the taxonomic kingdoms involved the database
We consider all taxa from Animalia, Fungi, and Plantae kingdoms.Precisions about the information included, when available, in the database for every translocated population
For every translocated population, the TransLoc database gathers and standardizes data in 84 fields of information grouped in the following categories:Redesign Info : Technical aspects of the redesigned website, reflecting the progress made by the current team.
Redesign Completion : February 29, 2024
Creation period : 2023 - 2024
Hosting : CC-IN2P3
Version control:
Administrator : Linda Angulo Lopez & Isabelle Baly
Natural Language: Bilingual web interface with English and French tooltips.
Accessibility : on registration, for project members and collaborators
Database management system: postgreSQL 15
Programmation : PHP 8.1.
APIs :
JavaScript and CSS libraries :
The original work : Recognizing the foundation laid by previous developers.
Creation date : 2017-2018
Natural Language: Bilingual web interface with French tooltips.
Hosting : CC-IN2P3
Administrator : Sarra FERJANI
Accessibility : on registration, for project members and collaborators
Database management system: PostgreSQL 10
Programmation : PHP 7.2.5
JavaScript and CSS libraries :