- Select habitat
- Marine habitats
- Littoral rock and other hard substrata
- High energy littoral rock
- Moderate energy littoral rock
- Low energy littoral rock
- Features of littoral rock
- Littoral sediment
- Littoral coarse sediment
- Littoral sand and muddy sand
- Littoral mud
- Littoral mixed sediments
- Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds
- Littoral sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms
- Littoral biogenic reefs
- Features of littoral sediment
- Infralittoral rock and other hard substrata
- Atlantic and Mediterranean high energy infralittoral rock
- Baltic exposed infralittoral rock
- Baltic moderately exposed infralittoral rock
- Baltic sheltered infralittoral rock
- Features of infralittoral rock
- Atlantic and Mediterranean low energy infralittoral rock
- Atlantic and Mediterranean moderate energy infralittoral rock
- Sublittoral sediment
- Sublittoral sand
- Sublittoral coarse sediment
- Sublittoral mud
- Sublittoral biogenic reefs
- Sublittoral macrophyte-dominated sediment
- Sublittoral mixed sediments
- Features of sublittoral sediments
- Circalittoral rock and other hard substrata
- Baltic exposed circalittoral rock
- Baltic moderately exposed circalittoral rock
- Baltic sheltered circalittoral rock
- Features of circalittoral rock
- Atlantic and Mediterranean moderate energy circalittoral rock
- Atlantic and Mediterranean low energy circalittoral rock
- Atlantic and Mediterranean high energy circalittoral rock
- Ice-associated marine habitats
- Sea ice
- Freshwater ice
- Brine channels
- Under-ice habitat
- Deep-sea bed
- Deep-sea rock and artificial hard substrata
- Deep-sea mixed substrata
- Deep-sea sand
- Deep-sea muddy sand
- Deep-sea mud
- Deep-sea bioherms
- Raised features of the deep-sea bed
- Deep-sea trenches and canyons, channels, slope failures and slumps on the continental slope
- Vents, seeps, hypoxic and anoxic habitats of the deep sea
- Pelagic water column
- Fronts in reduced salinity water column
- Unstratified water column with full salinity
- Vertically stratified water column with full salinity
- Fronts in full salinity water column
- Neuston
- Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity
- Completely mixed water column with full salinity
- Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium or long residence time
- Unstratified water column with reduced salinity
- Vertically stratified water column with reduced salinity
- Inland surface waters
- Surface running waters
- Springs, spring brooks and geysers
- Tidal rivers, upstream from the estuary
- Temporary running waters
- Films of water flowing over rocky watercourse margins
- Permanent non-tidal, fast, turbulent watercourses
- Permanent non-tidal, smooth-flowing watercourses
- Surface standing waters
- Permanent lake ice
- Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools
- Permanent mesotrophic lakes, ponds and pools
- Permanent eutrophic lakes, ponds and pools
- Permanent dystrophic lakes, ponds and pools
- Permanent inland saline and brackish lakes, ponds and pools
- Temporary lakes, ponds and pools
- Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies
- Species-rich helophyte beds
- Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes
- Inland spray- and steam-dependent habitats
- Water-fringing beds of tall canes
- Species-poor beds of low-growing water-fringing or amphibious vegetation
- Periodically inundated shores with pioneer and ephemeral vegetation
- Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sediments
- Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with non-mobile substrates
- Coastal habitats
- Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, including the supralittoral
- Supralittoral rock (lichen or splash zone)
- Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated
- Unvegetated rock cliffs, ledges, shores and islets
- Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, with angiosperms
- Coastal shingle
- Shingle beach driftlines
- Unvegetated mobile shingle beaches above the driftline
- Upper shingle beaches with open vegetation
- Fixed shingle beaches, with herbaceous vegetation
- Shingle and gravel beaches with scrub
- Shingle and gravel beach woodland
- Coastal dunes and sandy shores
- Shifting coastal dunes
- Coastal stable dune grassland (grey dunes)
- Coastal dune heaths
- Coastal dune scrub
- Coastal dune woods
- Moist and wet dune slacks
- Machair
- Sand beach driftlines
- Sand beaches above the driftline
- Mires, bogs and fens
- Raised and blanket bogs
- Inland saline and brackish marshes and reedbeds
- Inland saltmarshes
- Inland saline or brackish species-poor helophyte beds normally without free-standing water
- Sedge and reedbeds, normally without free-standing water
- Swamps and marshes dominated by Juncus effusus or other large Juncus spp.
- Beds of large sedges normally without free-standing water
- Reedbeds normally without free-standing water
- Valley mires, poor fens and transition mires
- Transition mires and quaking bogs
- Valley mires
- Poor fens and soft-water spring mires
- Aapa, palsa and polygon mires
- Palsa mires
- Aapa mires
- Polygon mires
- Base-rich fens and calcareous spring mires
- Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaks
- Basic mountain flushes and streamsides, with a rich arctic-montane flora
- Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichens
- Dry grasslands
- Subnitrophilous annual grassland
- Closed non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral grassland
- Inland sand and rock with open vegetation
- Closed Mediterranean dry acid and neutral grassland
- Mediterranean xeric grassland
- Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes
- Mediterranean tall-grass and Artemisia steppes
- Mediterranean-montane grassland
- Open non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral grassland, including inland dune grassland
- Open Mediterranean dry acid and neutral grassland
- Heavy-metal grassland
- Dry mediterranean lands with unpalatable non-vernal herbaceous vegetation
- Unmanaged xeric grassland
- Trampled xeric grasslands with annuals
- Woodland fringes and clearings and tall forb stands
- Anthropogenic herb stands
- Thermophile woodland fringes
- Subalpine moist or wet tall-herb and fern stands
- Pteridium aquilinum fields
- Moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringes and meadows
- Alpine and subalpine grasslands
- Alpine and subalpine enriched grassland
- Vegetated snow-patch
- Calcareous alpine and subalpine grassland
- Moss and lichen dominated mountain summits, ridges and exposed slopes
- Acid alpine and subalpine grassland
- Seasonally wet and wet grasslands
- Mediterranean short humid grassland
- Sub-mediterranean humid meadows
- Moist or wet oligotrophic grassland
- Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland
- Mediterranean tall humid grassland
- Sparsely wooded grasslands
- Atlantic parkland
- Sub-continental parkland
- Dehesa
- Mesic grasslands
- Mountain hay meadows
- Iberian summer pastures (vallicares)
- Meadows of the steppe zone
- Agriculturally-improved, re-seeded and heavily fertilised grassland, including sports fields and grass lawns
- Unmanaged mesic grassland
- Trampled mesophilous grasslands with annuals
- Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadows
- Low and medium altitude hay meadows
- Inland salt steppes
- Continental inland salt steppes
- Mediterranean inland salt steppes
- Heathland, scrub and tundra
- Maquis, arborescent matorral and thermo-Mediterranean brushes
- Arborescent matorral
- Pseudomaquis
- Spartium junceum fields
- Thermo-Mediterranean scrub
- Maquis
- Temperate and mediterranean-montane scrub
- Submediterranean deciduous thickets and brushes
- Temperate thickets and scrub
- Tundra
- Shrub tundra
- Moss and lichen tundra
- Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub
- Subalpine deciduous scrub
- Conifer scrub close to the tree limit
- Subarctic and alpine dwarf willow scrub
- Evergreen alpine and subalpine heath and scrub
- Temperate shrub heathland
- Dry heaths
- Macaronesian heaths
- Wet heaths
- Garrigue
- Western garrigues
- Eastern garrigues
- Illyrian garrigues
- Black Sea garrigues
- Macaronesian garrigues
- Supra-Mediterranean garrigues
- Mediterranean gypsum scrubs
- Xero-halophile scrubs
- Shrub plantations
- Shrub plantations for whole-plant harvesting
- Shrub plantations for leaf or branch harvest
- Shrub plantations for ornamental purposes or for fruit, other than vineyards
- Vineyards
- Thermo-Atlantic xerophytic scrub
- Canary Island xerophytic scrub
- Madeiran xerophytic scrub
- Riverine and fen scrubs
- Southern riparian galleries and thickets
- Riverine scrub
- Salix carr and fen scrub
- Hedgerows
- Species-poor hedgerows of native species
- Hedgerows of non-native species
- Highly-managed hedgerows of native species
- Species-rich hedgerows of native species
- Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation)
- Hedgehog-heaths
- West Mediterranean spiny heaths
- Central Mediterranean spiny heaths
- East Mediterranean phrygana
- Woodland, forest and other wooded land
- Broadleaved deciduous woodland
- Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant Alnus, Betula, Populus or Salix
- Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peat
- Thermophilous deciduous woodland
- Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodland
- Fagus woodland
- Mediterranean riparian woodland
- Broadleaved swamp woodland not on acid peat
- Non-riverine woodland with Betula, Populus tremula or Sorbus aucuparia
- Non-riverine Alnus woodland
- Meso- and eutrophic Quercus, Carpinus, Fraxinus, Acer, Tilia, Ulmus and related woodland
- Acidophilous Quercus-dominated woodland
- Highly artificial broadleaved deciduous forestry plantations
- Fruit and nut tree orchards
- Coniferous woodland
- Alpine Larix - Pinus cembra woodland
- Coniferous woodland dominated by Cupressaceae or Taxaceae
- Pinus uncinata woodland
- Picea taiga woodland
- Pinus sylvestris woodland south of the taiga
- Pinus nigra woodland
- Canary Island Pinus canariensis woodland
- Abies and Picea woodland
- Subalpine mediterranean Pinus woodland
- Lowland to montane mediterranean Pinus woodland (excluding Pinus nigra)
- Highly artificial coniferous plantations
- Nemoral bog conifer woodland
- Pinus taiga woodland
- Larix taiga woodland
- Boreal bog conifer woodland
- Broadleaved evergreen woodland
- Eurasian continental sclerophyllous woodland
- Macaronesian Laurus woodland
- Olea europaea - Ceratonia siliqua woodland
- Phoenix groves
- Ilex aquifolium woods
- Canary Island heath woodland
- Highly artificial broadleaved evergreen forestry plantations
- Evergreen orchards and groves
- Mediterranean evergreen Quercus woodland
- Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice
- Lines of trees
- Small broadleaved deciduous anthropogenic woodlands
- Small broadleaved evergreen anthropogenic woodlands
- Small coniferous anthropogenic woodlands
- Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlands
- Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowth
- Coppice and early-stage plantations
- Recently felled areas
- Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland
- Mixed Pinus sylvestris - acidophilous Quercus woodland
- Mixed non-riverine deciduous and coniferous woodland
- Mixed deciduous woodland with Cupressaceae or Taxaceae
- Mixed woodland with Cupressaceae, Taxaceae and evergreen oak
- Mixed mediterranean Pinus - thermophilous Quercus woodland
- Mixed Pinus sylvestris - thermophilous Quercus woodland
- Mixed Pinus nigra - evergreen Quercus woodland
- Mixed mediterranean pine - evergreen oak woodland
- Mixed forestry plantations
- Mixed swamp woodland
- Mixed taiga woodland with Betula
- Mixed sub-taiga woodland with acidophilous Quercus
- Mixed Pinus sylvestris - Betula woodland
- Mixed Pinus sylvestris - Fagus woodland
- Mixed Abies - Picea - Fagus woodland
- Habitat complexes
- Estuaries
- Pasture woods (with a tree layer overlying pasture)
- Mosaic landscapes with a woodland element (bocages)
- Treeline ecotones
- Small city centre non-domestic gardens
- Large non-domestic gardens
- Saline coastal lagoons
- Brackish coastal lagoons
- Large parks
- Land sparsely wooded with broadleaved deciduous trees
- Land sparsely wooded with broadleaved evergreen trees
- Land sparsely wooded with coniferous trees
- Land sparsely wooded with mixed broadleaved and coniferous trees
- Wooded steppe
- Wooded tundra
- Raised bog complexes
- Snow patches
- Crops shaded by trees
- Intensively-farmed crops interspersed with strips of natural and/or semi-natural vegetation
- Domestic gardens of city and town centres
- Domestic gardens of villages and urban peripheries
- Machair complexes
- Blanket bog complexes
- Salt lake islands
- Bentho-pelagic habitats
- Mosaics of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the littoral zone
- Mosaics of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the infralittoral zone
- Mosaics of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the circalittoral zone
- Anchihaline caves
- Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitats
- Inland cliffs, rock pavements and outcrops
- Macaronesian inland cliffs
- Wet inland cliffs
- Almost bare rock pavements, including limestone pavements
- Weathered rock and outcrop habitats
- Acid siliceous inland cliffs
- Basic and ultra-basic inland cliffs
- Snow or ice-dominated habitats
- Snow packs
- Ice caps and true glaciers
- Rock glaciers and unvegetated ice-dominated moraines
- Miscellaneous inland habitats with very sparse or no vegetation
- Fjell fields and other freeze-thaw features with very sparse or no vegetation
- Glacial moraines with very sparse or no vegetation
- Sparsely- or un-vegetated habitats on mineral substrates not resulting from recent ice activity
- Dry organic substrates with very sparse or no vegetation
- Burnt areas with very sparse or no vegetation
- Trampled areas
- Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodies
- Cave entrances
- Cave interiors
- Dark underground passages
- Lava tubes
- Underground standing waterbodies
- Underground running waterbodies
- Disused underground mines and tunnels
- Recent volcanic features
- Active volcanic features
- Inactive recent volcanic features
- Screes
- Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposures
- Cold siliceous screes
- Cold limestone screes
- Temperate-montane acid siliceous screes
- Temperate-montane calcareous and ultra-basic screes
- Acid siliceous screes of warm exposures
- Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitats
- Arable land and market gardens
- Intensive unmixed crops
- Mixed crops of market gardens and horticulture
- Arable land with unmixed crops grown by low-intensity agricultural methods
- Inundated or inundatable croplands, including rice fields
- Bare tilled, fallow or recently abandoned arable land
- Cultivated areas of gardens and parks
- Large-scale ornamental garden areas
- Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areas
- Recently abandoned garden areas
- Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats
- Low density buildings
- Scattered residential buildings
- Rural public buildings
- Rural industrial and commercial sites still in active use
- Agricultural constructions
- Constructed boundaries
- Disused rural constructions
- Rural construction and demolition sites
- Extractive industrial sites
- Active underground mines
- Active opencast mineral extraction sites, including quarries
- Recently abandoned above-ground spaces of extractive industrial sites
- Transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas
- Disused road, rail and other constructed hard-surfaced areas
- Road networks
- Rail networks
- Airport runways and aprons
- Hard-surfaced areas of ports
- Pavements and recreation areas
- Constructed parts of cemeteries
- Highly artificial man-made waters and associated structures
- Highly artificial saline and brackish standing waters
- Highly artificial saline and brackish running waters
- Highly artificial non-saline standing waters
- Highly artificial non-saline running waters
- Highly artificial non-saline fountains and cascades
- Waste deposits
- Waste resulting from building construction or demolition
- Household waste and landfill sites
- Non-agricultural organic waste
- Agricultural and horticultural waste
- Industrial waste
- Buildings of cities, towns and villages
- Disused constructions of cities, towns and villages
- Urban and suburban construction and demolition sites
- High density temporary residential units
- Residential buildings of city and town centres
- Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries
- Urban and suburban public buildings
- Urban and suburban industrial and commercial sites still in active use